Southside Community Centre - Indian Dance Night
Southside Community Centre -Ceilidh

Photograph by Shiela Masson

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Southside Community Centre

Welcome to our website

Please note that from Monday 22nd July 2024 until Monday 2 September 2024 our Community Centre is transformed into a Fringe venue, Zoo Southside. During this time our usual activities, events, services (including our centre cafe)  will not be available.

Latest centre news & announcements

9 July 2024

Thank you Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership

Thanks to funding from the Edinburgh Thrive Arts: Small Grants Programme we’ll be delivering ten workshops during October 2024 around using smartphones...
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27 June 2024

Thank you Edinburgh University

We would like to thank Edinburgh University for granting us £500 this month to our sixty plus activity club for...
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4 June 2024

Cafe update

Southside Community Centre Association SCIO and Goodies SCIO wish to share the following joint statement around the future of our cafe.
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There are no upcoming Events at this time.

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