Centre Census 2024

During February 2024 Southside Community Centre Association SCIO is undertaking a census of centre usage as part of our work to ensure that the centre meets the needs and aspirations of the communities it serves.


Why are we doing this?

We will use the data to;

  • support future funding applications
  • understand who is, and who is not using our centre
  • compare against next years census to see how centre usage has changed.


How are we doing this?

We will be asking all those who have booked space in the centre during February 2024 to complete a small form during each of their bookings. This form asks some simple questions such as how many participants are involved with the booking and how they travelled to the centre. We are then asking each participant to complete an anonymous equality and diversity monitoring form.

If you are attending the centre to take part in a City of Edinburgh Council Adult Education Programme or Life Long Learning activity, individual participants will not be asked to complete an equality and diversity monitoring form.


Do I need to take part?

Every person booking a let with us is required to complete their census form.

Every participant in the bookings is requested to complete a equity and diversity monitoring form. Completing the form would really help us to get a true & accurate picture of centre users to support centre development. Each question has a ‘do not wish to answer’ option, this means that participants can complete some or all of the questions. However, the form is optional.


Will the census results be made public?

Yes. We will share the census report publicly. It will only include ‘top line’ information and it will not be possible to identify any individuals from the published data.


Contact point:

If you would like to discuss the census any further, or would like some support to take part, please speak with our Chief Executive whom you can contact by;

  • telephoning 0131 667 0484
  • emailing [email protected]
  • visiting Michael in the centre during office hours (Monday to Thursday from 9am until 5pm, and Fridays from 9am until 4pm).