MD Noor Alam (Rashid) (Trustee)

MD Noor Alam (known as Rashid) moved to Edinburgh from Bangladesh 18 years ago and sees Edinburgh as his home.

Rashid has been involved in community activism for many years, being a volunteer with several different local charities, such as The Adult Learning Project, The Welcoming and the Leith Community Centre. He finds great pleasure in helping others and supporting those who want to help make Edinburgh a welcoming city for all.

In 2018 he was given The ‘Best Volunteer Award’ by the then Lord Provost, Frank Ross.

Before the Pandemic he was a regular user of the Edinburgh Southside Centre (Southside Community Centre). Rashid joined the Centre’s Management Committee because he want to help make the Centre a place where diverse communities can come together, have a cup of tea and get to know each other.