We’re Listening

Southside Community Centre Association SCIO is thinking about the future of Southside Community Centre.

We want to ensure that our centre meets the needs and aspirations of the communities we serve. And we doing this by asking three questions;

  • What do you like about our centre? These are things we should continue to do.
  • What do you dislike about our centre? These are things we should stop doing or change how we do them.
  • What ideas do you have for our centre? These are new things we should start doing.

The answers to these questions will be used, alongside other evidence such as strategic plans from partners (and possible partners) and other centre data such as centre usage figures will allow us to agree a plan for the future.


How to take part



  • Centre displays: We’ll shortly have display areas throughout the centre where centre visitors can take part.


  • Group visits: Throughout January and February we’ll be visiting as many groups in the centre as possible, where we can facilitate some group discussion, encourage participation and answer any questions. If you’d like us to come along to your group please ask your tutor / leader / person in charge to get in touch with us.


Who can take part?

Anyone. Everyone. We are happy to hear the views of citizens, regardless as to whether they use the centre regularly, occasionally or have never visited us.


Need help to take part?

Please contact us, and we can discuss how we can support people to take part who need some assistance such as materials in an alterative format or some 1-2-1 support.